Kennedy The killer

my name is Kennedy i'm 20 and i was 15 when that happened
time reverse sponsored by Dolores's flower shop and rose garden
i live in hill-far and i lived with my sister and mom and dad. and my mom and dad hit me a lot and my dad raped me all the time and on that day i dressed up in a blue t shirt and red jogging bottoms like Miranda sings. my sister didn't know that i got beat and raped and her name was Beth and on the Monday I Wore and i looked cooler than my bully Edith who beat me up when i went to school was what she wore
"look, It's Whore! Get Her Alex!" Alex was her boyfriend even though i knew he secretly was in a relationship with Ryan because he was really gay


Alex hold me down as I struggled and kicked then he unbuttoned his pants and got onto me then i bit his leg and stabbed him with my switchblade and ran away and i got home and stabbed my dad and mom and got my sister to help eat their hearts and she ate more than me and we ran into the forest when i saw a tall man with no face


"DAUGHTERS!!" the tall man said as he hugged us with his tentikls "I am slender-man and i am your dad, those people that took care of you weren't your parents. then we went into a giant mansion and i saw a man with very pale white skin and he winked at me and i winked back and waited before i shaked my booty at him like teasing and went into the living room and sat on a sofa and everyone was acting like they knew us and my sister Beth was talking to a short man in a link costume and was shortly on his lap
Timeskip Brought To You By Jeff's Boner
Jeff Came Into my room and I Locked The Door and soon I Was In Bed Making Out With me Then I Noticed Tentikls out of my back and my sister moaning in the other room and then we had sex and then I Fell asleep

Chapter 4

I Woke up and wore and ate brekfast and then I was stripped by everyone then i had more sex
and jeff got me pregnant and i had a baby